Magical Elements Periodic Table Poster
Magical-Elements-Periodic-Table-Poster by Sybrina Publishing
Magical elementals from the Magical Elements of the Periodic Table books present all of the elements of the periodic table in fantastical and real life terms. In the books, each elemental character has magical powers based on the properties of the elements that come from the land, air and water. They are the perfect group to introduce you to metals, metalloids, non-metals, halogens, noble gases and much more. Unicorns, dragons, alchemists, knights, and goblins will show you how people of this world always have and always will depend upon the elements that our earth provides for all of our needs. Use this Periodic Table as you would any other to spark an interest in the magical and real world properties of all the elements known today. You may be surprised at how prominently they feature in our every day lives.
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Sybrina Publishing View Full Gallery Sybrina Publishing is all about Unicorns! And the Periodic Table. Find great stuff here for tweens and teens.